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Playground safety 101. Keep your children safe

A playground is a great environment to let your kids explore, develop motor and social skills and blow off some steam before bedtime. Am I right parents? It's important to teach your children how to be safe and act responsibly on a playground, which is what Playground Safety Week is all about. According to the National Safety Council, each year more than 200,000 children visit hospital emergency rooms because of playground injuries. Teaching kids how to play safely helps keep them confident on the equipment and give parents or supervisors the reassurance that kids know their boundaries. Here are some easy tips to follow:

  • An adult needs to supervise and be present while kids are playing.

  • No roughhousing! Never push others on the equipment.

  • Use the equipment how it's intended and choose age-appropriate equipment. (No standing on swings or sliding down face-first.)

  • Dress appropriate for play. Wear clothes that don't have drawstring or cords that could get caught on the equipment. Tennis shoes will support little feet best, and don't forget sunscreen.

  • Don't use playground equipment when it's wet. Slippery surfaces can lead to falls and injuries.

  • In warm weather, playground equipment can become dangerously hot to the touch. If it's too hot, it's not safe to play on.

Play is an important part of kids' physical, social and intellectual development. Teach your kids how to play safe and join in the fun!

Blog post curtesy of Foremost Insurance.

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